February 2, 2022
Our activities department will be selling homemade dog treats! You can call Brandy Gross at 270-826-9794 to place your order! They will be 4 for $2.50 and contain oatmeal, banana, and peanut butter! All proceeds will go to our Activities Department.
February 1st- 12th:
Voting for Valentines Day King and Queen! Each vote is 25 cents February 1st- 12th: Orders for Valentines Day gifts! $5 for candy, teddy bear, and balloon!
February 10th:
Super bowl Party at 2pm! We will be holding a half pot. $1 per ticket- whichever team wins, we will pull one ticket from that teams pot! The winner will get half the earnings! Wear your team jersey!
February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th:
Pay $1 to wear your work appropriate jeans!
February 14th:
Valentines Day Party at 2pm!
February 23rd:
PJ Day! Wear your most comfy jammies!
February 25th:
Get your favorite concession stand food for $4!
Every Friday:
pay $1 to wear your favorite pair of work appropriate jean pants!